Pipe Launder Slope Determination
Determination of slope required to pass a given fluid velocity through a pipe launder of a given geometry
This geometry dictates a θ angle of 4.0 radians, 230.8°.
and a half-top (b) dimension of 0.40 metres, 15.81"
Hydraulic radius (Rh) of this geometry is 0.265 metres; 10.4"
Flow (Q) that will pass this launder is 6831.0 m
3/h, 30076.9 usgpm
Slope of this launder to achieve desired velocity is 1.6%, 0.91°.
Calculation Backup:
Slope = ( n × V × Rh(-2/3) ) 2
where Slope is height/length, V is m/s and Rh is in metres.
The Manning Equation used here is a commonly civil engineering formula
for culverts and canal design. More on Manning equation and its
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